What should I bring and some recommendations for Lost City Trek Colombia Sierra Nevada Santa Marta?

The tour, tourist package, excursion, or trekking to Lost City is demanding and takes place in the midst of the Caribbean jungle, surrounded by trees, flowers, mountains, and rivers. Therefore, you must prepare yourself to overcome it in the best way possible and avoid inconveniences. What should you bring and what are some recommendations Lost City Trek Colombia Sierra Nevada Santa Marta?

What should not be missing in your backpack to enjoy the hike, tour, or trekking to Lost City Colombia Sierra Nevada Santa Marta is:

  • Comfortable trekking shoes.
  • At least two pairs of shorts.
  • A pair of sandals or Crocs to use in the water.
  • Environmentally friendly insect repellent.
  • Environmentally friendly sunscreen.
  • Long pants or sweatpants to avoid bites and friction if riding on horseback.
  • Long-sleeved shirt to avoid bites and cuts.
  • Flashlight.
  • At least three t-shirts.
  • Swimsuit.
  • Medium-sized towels.
  • Compact and small backpack.
  • Biodegradable bags resistant to water or waterproof for your belongings.
  • At least 5 pairs of socks.
  • 2 liters of water in thermos to refill.
  • Cash to buy souvenirs.
  • Personal hygiene kit.
  • Your medications if needed.
  • Your favorite book.
  • A copy of your ID or passport.

Tips for enjoying the hike, tour, or trekking to Lost City Colombia Sierra Nevada Santa Marta is:

  • Deposit waste in designated areas.
  • Respect wildlife and local customs.
  • Remember that we are just visitors.
  • Do not stray from the group.
  • Follow the guide’s recommendations.
  • Stay hydrated constantly.
  • Enjoy the adventure.
  • Please bring waterproof protection for your cell phones, cameras, and other electronic devices.
  • Do not bring a computer.
  • Take a mosquito repellent pill.
  • Avoid using plastic.
  • Do not take photos of the indigenous community without their permission.
  • Avoid flying drones over the area.

If you have any questions about the excursions, tours, or tourist packages to the Lost City, feel free to write to us here.

Here are the excursions, tours, or tourist packages available to the Lost City of Santa Marta.